About Us


Matt Wright
‘Muzik Speaks’ Founder & Writer

Brighton, UK

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Facebook Page

I’m a massive fan of music – I just can’t get enough of it! I love music of all shapes and sizes. I like anything from some classical to heavy metal or pop to drum & bass. Basically if it falls between S Club 7 and Slipknot, I probably like it!

I started Muzik Speaks because I was thinking of a way to try and get music (both signed and unsigned; new and old; popular and underground) to people’s ears. I thought about regular social network status updates, but figured my friends would get annoyed with me so thought about setting up a blog. Then the idea for themed days came to me…next thing I knew, Muzik Speaks was born!

I want to share music with the masses and hope that one day this blog can reach thousands of people.

All I want from all you bloggers and readers out there, is your sharing of our posts (on social media) and replies to our posts, with your choice of song for the daily theme, e.g. I might post Chris Malinchak – ‘So Good To Me’ as a Mellow Monday track one week, while you might be listening to OneRepublic – ‘Can’t Stop’ that day, so you post that track on our blog, as a reply.

I hope you enjoy Muzik Speaks – please spread the word!

Rob Manhire

Dover, UK

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Rob is a writer for Muzik Speaks, who loves Pop Punk, Metal and Post-Hardcore among others. He started out on the Kent punk scene when he was just 15 and has performed with bands across a multitude of genres over the years.

Rob is also a keen photographer, who loves snapping local, live shows as well as Motorsport.

Damon Peirce
Freelance Photographer

Brighton, UK

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Damon has photographed with us on numerous occasions and has a wealth of experience, shooting shows like Stereophonics and touring with the likes of Royal Blood and Black Honey.

If you ever want to get in touch, use the links above.

Chloe Hashemi
Freelance Photographer

Brighton, UK

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Chloe Hashemi is a freelance, music and portrait photographer based in Brighton. You will usually catch her, front row, with her camera in hand, at most of Brighton’s indie gigs.

If you ever want to get in touch, use the links above.

Want to Get Involved?

If you fancy getting involved in the blog, and want to become a regular writer for us, please feel free to contact us via our Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/muzikspeaks), Twitter (www.twitter.com/muzik_speaks) or E-Mail (muzikspeaks@hotmail.com)

Please leave us a comment...it could be your thoughts about this post, how a song makes you feel or even a song suggestion of your own. We'd love to hear from you!