#ThrillingThursday: Fickle Friends – ‘Say No More’

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Today is our 200th post! Happy 200thPostDay to us!

Fickle Friends’ track, ‘Say No More’ is our chosen song of the day for our special #ThrillingThursday 200th post!

Fickle Friends are a new discovery for me, but being a Brighton blog, I thought we should celebrate our milestone post, with a Brighton-based band!

The band consists of members Natti, Sam, Harry, Chris and Wilson and the quintet make no false promises on delivering the perfect blend of New Wave/Indie/Pop and it’s incredible! I honestly can’t get enough of this song – it’s just what I needed to hear today!

What do you think of these guys? I think they’ll go far!

Have you got a different #ThrillingThursday track for us? Please share it in a comment below or via social media with the hash tag, #ThrillingThursday and don’t forget to wish us a Happy 200thPostDay 🙂

Matt – Muzik Speaks

‘Say No More’ can be downloaded off iTunes now – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/say-no-more-single/id1047150179#